version 1.8.3, December 2, 2014

Added: WPNewsman Enhancement plugin which improves stability of WPNewsman workers.
Added: export of the recipient activity statistics to CSV or JSON (for the Pro version only).
Updated: DE, FR and RU translations.

version 1.8.1, October 28, 2014

Added: request parameter “bepositive” to force “200 Ok” HTTP codes on all API responses.
Added: Dutch translation.

Fixed: security vulnerability.
Changed: method addEmail in the API now responds with the”409 Conflict” HTTP code if the subscriber already exists.

version 1.7.8, August 21, 2014

Fixed: error when the recipient unsubscribed from the welcome email.
Updated: lang files for ckeditor to the latest version.

version 1.7.6, July 14, 2014

Fixed: bug which caused plugin sender to stop working without Pro plugin.

version 1.7.5, July 11, 2014

Fixed: external form bug.

version 1.7.4, June 25, 2014

Fixed: bug which caused the conversion of non-Unicode characters in field names to underscores (“_”).
Fixed: links in re-subscribe emails.

version 1.7.3, June 24, 2014

Added: new methods to API.
Added: ability to add/edit the subscriber from admin interface.
Lots of small bug fixes and improvements.

version 1.7.2, June 17, 2014

Fixed: unsubscribes analytics with double opt-out option enabled.
Fixed: processing of links with analytics tracking on sites installed to sub-directories.
Fixed: false-positive SPAM detection during form submission in the Internet Explorer.

version 1.7.1, June 11, 2014

Fixed: “Subscriber with id 0 is not found” error when clicking on wrapped links.
Fixed: wrapped links with non-Latin characters.

version 1.7.0, June 10, 2014

Added: email tracking analytics.
Removed: advanced honeypot technique which caused “Something went wrong…” error in some cases.
Lots of small bug fixes and improvements.

version 1.6.9, April 28, 2014

Fixed: escaping of an apostrophe/single quote mark in a blog title when using the [newsman wp=”blogname”] shortcode.

Fixed: deletion of unconfirmed subscribers in 7 days even if the “Delete subscribers who didn’t confirm their subscription within 7 days” was not checked.

version 1.6.8, April 3, 2014

Added: restore option for bundled email templates: Digest and Basic.
Fixed: fancy_excerpt insertion on non-English WordPress installations.

version 1.6.7, April 1, 2014

Added: email publishing feature.
Added: Spanish translation.
Added: [newsman fn=] shortcode which works with any WordPress function. For example, the shortcode to output the post author’s name will be [newsman fn=’the_author’].

Fixed: handling of shortcodes pointing to deleted forms.
Fixed: “Export to CSV” option on some WordPress installations.
Fixed” antispam beacon encoding which affected the work of the Bounce Handler.

version 1.6.6, January 30, 2014

Fixed: after saving and sending emails and email templates the non-breaking space html entity was converted to a question mark (“?”).

version 1.6.5, January 29, 2014

Added: saving of the last used test email address.
Added: option to disable honeypot cypher field.

Fixed: plugin welcome screen appearance.
Fixed: mailman event was not added in some cases.
Fixed: missing email status message.

version 1.6.4, January 10, 2014

Added: ability to change the email address for admin notifications.
Fixed: form fields with unicode names were not stored to the database.
Fixed: some Russian characters in the templates became broken during sending.
Fixed: sometimes in multilingual setup, links in system emails were pointing to the action pages in the different language.
Fixed: schedule time was shown as ‘Invalid Date’ in the emails table.
Fixed: emails and email templates larger than 64k where truncated.
Fixed: punctuation characters were removed at the beginning of the post when using fancy excerpt mode.

version 1.6.3, December 11, 2013

Added: “Compose from message” option to create a new email based on a sent one.
Added: styling fixes for WordPress 3.8.
Added: stripping whitespaces from the beginning and end of email address in the subscription form.
Added: working unsubscribe link in a test email.

Fixed: work of the external form which showed full site pages in some cases.
Changed: mailbox underlying API output to increase performance.

version 1.6.2, September 25, 2013

Added: little UI improvement for the “To” field in the email editor.
Fixed: sending duplicate emails on systems with high load or slow database server.

version 1.6.1, September 4, 2013

Added: CKEditor plugin support for editing WPML translated action pages.
Added: support for different WPML language URL formats.
Added: small improvements to the form builder.
Fixed: flickering of honeypot fields in the subscription form when the page is not fully loaded.
Fixed: [newsman post=’number’] shortcode was not working.
Fixed: insert post dialog vertical drag issue.

version 1.6.0, August 22, 2013

Added: WPML plugin integration.
Added: honeypot and timestamp fields to prevent spambots from subscribing to your lists.
Added: translation to the Polish language.
Fixed: compatibility issues with ClassiPress 3.1.9 theme.
Fixed: compatibility issues with “ embeded” plugin.

version 1.5.10, July 30, 2013

Fixed: duplicate system email templates.
Fixed: bug that sometimes caused the sending process to crash.
Fixed: PHP 5.3 compatibility issues.

version 1.5.9, July 18, 2013

Added: email address format check during import.
Fixed: wp-cron test request timeout to eliminate false negative test results.
Fixed: some minor bugs.

version 1.5.8, July 16, 2013

Fixed: system email templates were not copied for default and wp-users lists during installation.

version 1.5.7, July 15, 2013

Added: option to work in environments with disabled loopback requests. Due to stability issues we switched worker management to use lock files thus the plugging now REQUIRES direct filesystem access. Make sure your WordPress can write to the uploads directory.

Added: wp-cron testing code.
Added: the ajax-fork mechanism to spawn workers in environments with alternate_wp_cron enabled.
Added: correct initialization of wp admin environment in external scripts.
Fixed: plugin urls contain proper protocol ( http/https ).
Fixed: bulk unsubscribe correctly skips broken email addresses.

version 1.5.6, July 04, 2013

Updated: German translation.
Fixed: conflict with “Press this” bookmarklet.
Fixed: compatibility with wooCommerce in some cases.

version 1.5.5, June 21, 2013

Added: ability to add a textarea element to the form.
Added: “Current Date” option to the shortcode dropdown menu.
Added: “Subscription Date” option to the shortcode dropdown menu.

Fixed: get_current_screen() error.
Fixed: problem with the plugin activation on some sites.
Fixed: little template store select box fix.
Fixed: ckeditor source mode and active menu overlapping.
Fix: language fallback for missing language pack.

version 1.5.4, June 11, 2013

Fixed: incompatibilities with some plugins during posts insertion.
Fixed: expansion of domain relative urls in templates.
Fixed: bug that caused the post template to be saved into the post divider template.
Fixed: CKEditor doesn’t insert   into empty blocks anymore.

version 1.5.3, May 21, 2013

Added: javascript tags filtering during posts/pages insertion into the message.
Fixed: “Send test email” option.
Fixed: migrate.php warnings.
Removed: posix_kill function dependency.

version 1.5.2, May 13, 2013

Added: new system email template “Re-subscription confirmation” that is sent when you choose to re-send the confirmation email to ALL “Unconfirmed” subscribers on the list.

Improved: stability and speed.

version 1.5.1, April 30, 2013

Fixed: sticky posts bug in system email messages.

version 1.5.0, April 25, 2013

Added: WPNewsman API.
Added: “Use double opt-out procedure” option to the Settings.
Added: ability to have unique system email templates for each list.
Added: ability to edit the subscriber’s email address by the admin.

Fixed: insertion of full posts into the message.
Fixed: work of the plugin in the Internet Explorer 9.
Fixed: work of the plugin on a non-English locale.

Changed: ability to use opt-in forms on external sites is available in the Lite version.
Removed: ability to change the email address by the subscriber.

version 1.4.5, April 2, 2013

Fixed: the plugin did not allow to edit the opt-in forms and templates, there was just a spinning wheel.

version 1.4.4, March 29, 2013

Fixed: sending performance degradation on large lists.

version 1.4.3, March 22, 2013

Fixed: bug with sending emails.

version 1.4.2, March 20, 2013

Fixed: pagination bug in the subscribers view.
Improved: stability of the sender.

version 1.4.1, March 20, 2013

Fixed: database migration bug.

version 1.4.0, March 18, 2013

Added: email templates store (Email templates -> Get More -> Browse for templates…).
Added: ability to import the email template from the .zip file (Email templates -> Get More -> Import from file).
Added: ability to export templates.
Added: ability to select posts for the last day, week or month for insertion into the message with one mouse click.
Added: the plugin records the URL of the page where the user subscribed.

Changed: email template editor. You can customize all email templates including system templates as you want. 
Fixed: on a non-English locale the plugin did not delete the original text from the template during the template editing.
Fixed: sometimes the plugin could send the same message to the list twice. 
Other minor fixes and improvements.

version 1.3.8, February 14, 2013

Fixed: sending of Quick Messages.

version 1.3.7, February 11, 2013

Fixed: email sending bug which appeared in 1.3.5 release.

version 1.3.6, February 9, 2013

Fixed: problem with saving the “To” field in emails created from templates.

version 1.3.5, February 8, 2013

Fixed: wrong non-English characters conversion during CSV file import.

version 1.3.4, February 6, 2013

Fixed: CKEditor toolbar layout.

version 1.3.3, February 6, 2013

Fixed: the plugin overwrote system email templates and action pages during update/activation.
Fixed: “Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string…” error on themes without the proper custom post type support.

version 1.3.2, February 5, 2013 

Added: Color and Font buttons to the template HTML editor.
Fixed: the option to select the list in the widget was missing.
A few minor fixes and improvements.

version 1.3.1, January 24, 2013

Added: ability to import the subscriber’s IP address.
Added: two text blocks to the default Digest template.
Fixed: “Subscribe” button css for the Internet Explorer 9.
Other internal fixes and improvements.

version 1.3.0, January 18, 2013

Added: support of multiple lists in the Lite version. Upon the first plugin activation, WPNewsman automatically creates the list called “wp-users” and imports the users of your WordPress site into that list. Thus, you get two lists – default list and WordPress users’ list.
Added: ability to merge Google Analytics and Piwik remote tracking into links in the Pro version.
Added: ability to insert the Unsubscribe and Change Subscription links from the HTML editor menu.
Added: the post selector dialog for the digest template.
Added: “Lists and Forms” menu item under WPNewsman in your WordPress admin.
Added: ability to select a template for action pages.
Added: translation to the Russian, French, German and Italian languages. You can use WP Native Dashboard to switch to your locale.

Fixed: “Edit post template” feature for the digest template.
Other small fixes and improvements.

version 1.2.1, January 4, 2013

Fixed: CSS and JS files browser caching issue.
Changed: the name of the ?ss class of required form field in error state from “error” to “newsman-form-error”. If you had custom styling, make sure to check this and apply changes to your css.

version 1.2.0, January 3, 2013

Added: possibility to put the fields in the subscription form side by side
Added: possibility to customize the Subscribe button
Added: select element to the subscription form
Added: ability to reset the default image and download the image source in the email templates
Fixed: the plugin gave errors when the user tried to open a new page until the current page is not fully loaded
Fixed: “Send welcome message” and “Send unsubscribe notifications” options in the Settings did not work
Fixed: the text part of the default email templates is updated accordingly to the changes made to the HTML part
Fixed: the link in the confirmation email did not work if the user resent the confirmation email
Fixed: editing of the digest template in Firefox v17
Fixed: a few issues in the Settings

version 1.1.3, December 20, 2012

Improved the digest template: you can change the ribbon image in the template editor
Cleaned up the plugin code

version 1.1.2, December 17, 2012

Added: new bug report functionality
Added: check for required mbstring php extension
IMAP compatibility check moved to the Pro version
Few small bug fixes

version 1.1.1, December 10, 2012

Fixed: form list styling ul.newsman-form li
Fixed: “Send Subscribe/Unsubscribe Event Notifications to Admin” option
Removed: unused js file
Enhanced: bounced handler
Tweaked: blog digest template
Flush rewrite rules on the activation

version 1.1.0, December 5, 2012

Added: HTML editor dialog move and resize
Added: bounced handler to the Pro version
Added: compatibility check before activation
Fixed: T_STATIC fail on PHP version < 5.3
Updated: CKEditor to v4
Removed: duplicated definition in core
Cleaned up the plugin code
Many internal improvements and fixes

version 1.0.1, November 30, 2012

Changed upload dir to wp-content/uploads/
Removed unused ckeditor skins
Tweaked system email templates to look nice in the hotmail/live webmail
Fixed the bug that prevents action pages from opening if the user is not logged in

version 1.0.0, November 16, 2012

First public release